ALF094B.ZIP 27,715 05-29-96 Alfons v0.94beta. Textmode program forreading CD-DA audiotracks from CD and savethem as WAV-files on your hard drive.
ANIDEMO.ZIP 280,597 04-01-96 AniMouse - Working Demo.
APMAO200.ZIP 125,395 04-07-96 APT Mailing Assistant v2.0 <ASP> Printenvelopes and labels with POSTNET barcodes. Supports multiple address files,custom labels, non U.S. Addresses,import/export, bulk mailing and printing ofbulk mail permit.
APPMAN1.ZIP 84,626 05-01-96 Application Manager v00.903.000. Schedulespecific apps at startup and shutdown.
B64.ZIP 22,482 06-11-96 Intelligent Rexx base64 en/decoder. UsesBASE64 API from MD5RX.DLL. Freeware.
BIOG10C.ZIP 289,031 04-07-96 BioGraph v1.0c. The ultimate program tocompute biorhythms and pair matching.BioGraph tells you about the four cycles ofyour biorhythm. This information can helpyou in planning dates and gives you moreunderstanding for
BKILL20S.ZIP 128,012 05-31-96 Bug Killer: A GUI interface to McAfee'sOS/2 Anti-Virus program.
BOXOS27B.ZIP 510,166 05-01-96 Boxer Text Editor v7.0b <ASP> Powerfulediting capability in an easy to usepackage. Syntax highlighting, columnblocks, undo & redo, global search &replace, macros, WP, keyboard reconfig,large screen support, brace matc
BOXR2G7B.ZIP 539,985 05-08-96 Boxer Text Editor v7.0b <ASP> (deutsch)Erste deutsche Version des bekanntenTexteditors. Die Version 7.0b verfgt bermehr als 85 neue Funktionen. Der Favoritvieler Anwender, laufend beste Kritiken.
BVS_PM10.ZIP 120,918 04-05-96 32 bit PM Automated Episode Guide v1.0 forBeavis & Butt-Head. Makes it easy to viewinformation on the popular MTV Show, Beavis& Butt-Head.
B_DIR131.ZIP 47,010 04-07-96 B-Dir v1.31. DIR replacement. 32 bitcommand line program. Supports filehighlighting by extensions, recursivedirectory searches, changing of file order.Can change what information is shown.
CFGSRT13.ZIP 99,967 06-24-96 ConfigSort v1.13. Re-orders config.sys intosections. Groups known application entries.Compiled executable.
CLNDSK10.ZIP 50,335 04-03-96 CleanDsk v1.0. Purge garbage files from alldirectories of specified drive/path. DOS &OS/2 executable. Supports both FAT & HPFS.Freeware.
CPUMT10A.ZIP 274,608 06-21-96 CPUMeter v1.0a. Enhanced CPU-usage metersimilar to Pulse, but it does not use acounting loop to determine the CPU-load -ituses the DosQProcStat API-call whichreduces CPU-load and CPU power-consumption.
CROM2_03.ZIP 62,033 06-12-96 Cromtag/2 v0.03. Early release of Crom/2utilities for timEd/2. This suite includes:Cromtag/2 - tagline util, Cromline/2 -custom origin lines, Mood/2 - inserts'mood' kludge, Csteal/2 - tagline thief.
CRONRGF3.ZIP 134,524 04-30-96 Cron-Edit. REXX implementation of a cronutility for scheduling tasks.
CTEL100.ZIP 98,301 05-29-96 CapiTel v1.00. ISDN based 32-Bit answeringmachine.
DRCHK031.ZIP 17,970 05-05-96 DriveCheck v0.31. REXX program to scan adrive and determine wasted space for boththe HPFS and FAT file systems. Usage andmore specific information is in thecomments of the program.
DUMPIT11.ZIP 126,439 06-11-96 DumpIt v1.10. NNTP compatible, binaryretreival program. Runs in PM mode allowinga simple binary retreival of various filesfrom multiple newsgroups and news servers.
EACLIB.ZIP 33,824 05-22-96 EA Class Library Package. Consists of twoclasses (EA and EAList) wrapping the OS/2Extended-Attribute APIs. You have tocompile and link the appropriate filestogether with your application. Needs anIBM C compiler.
EFCM212B.ZIP 266,026 04-12-96 Commander v2.12b. HPFS, netware, commandbarwith history, statusbar with contextmenu,toolbar with help, usermenu, drag & drop,packers, scalable panels, customizedlayout, powerfull search, more.
EZ1_6ASC.ZIP 73,039 04-07-96 THE on-line OS/2 magazine. April 1996.Volume 1 Number 6 - ASCII format - includesgraphics. Contains reviews, interviews,opinions and information.
EZ1_7ASC.ZIP 100,759 05-04-96 THE on-line OS/2 magazine. April 1996.Volume 1 Number 7.
FD101.ZIP 127,318 05-15-96 Find duplicate files across multiple disks.
FIH113.ZIP 123,280 06-07-96 Icon Heaven v1.13. Workplace shellenhancement that enables the user to assignicons to objects using simple drag & drop.Sample icon libraries included. New releaseadds Warp support for animated icons andicon extraction
FILEFRDM.ZIP 72,744 06-07-96 File Freedom v1.0. PM File Manager designedto simplify and speed the organization andmovement of files.
FM2_246.ZIP 1,299,584 06-03-96 FM/2 v2.46. File/directory/ archive/etc.Maintenance package with plenty of bellsand whistles - a Swiss army knife for OS/2.
FMCRD303.ZIP 840,773 04-21-96 Card Games v3.03. Suite of 12 solitairecard games developed by Felix Maschek. New:FreeCell, Arachnid and Klondike 104!English and German language support.PM-program for easy installation.
FQ09D.ZIP 32,174 05-11-96 FileQuery/2 v0.9d. Enhanced DIR and ATTRIBcommand, with nice configurable, coloredoutput! Features: Real size of files ondisk, show size and change attributes ofentire trees, /s search feature combinablewith changing
HTMLE94B.ZIP 96,061 05-12-96 HTML-Ed v94B. Small, fast HTML editorw/built-in browser; supports multifileediting via a ring-system.
IC303.ZIP 655,091 05-24-96 InterCom v3.02. PM Internet Telephone.Features such as answering machine, callerID, call blocking, dialing directories,quick dial, and VIDEO, file transfers,clipboard text sharing. Electronicphonebook server and talk
ILNK099C.ZIP 242,783 04-13-96 ILink/2 v0.99c. PM drop-in replacement forIBM's 'Dial Other Internet Provider'.Includes redial, reconnect, multiplenumbers, CPS/Bytes meters and more.
ILOGO32.ZIP 190,849 04-12-96 InfoLog v3.2. Online time monitor.
INADV022.ZIP 825,162 06-01-96 Internet Adventurer v0.19. The InternetSuite: Supports IRC fully, includingCTCP/DCC WWW. Gopher now via WWW FTP viaWWW.
IN_JOY06.ZIP 346,421 05-26-96 In-Joy v0.06. Alternative to the Internetdialer.
JSHF_OS2.ZIP 41,388 04-14-96 JShifter/2 v1.00. Turns Numlock on.
KMMEPM04.ZIP 7,310 04-12-96 EPM macro quickly launches Internet,multimedia or other apps.
KZIPV0_9.ZIP 63,463 06-26-96 KZipper v0.9. Makes zipfile managementeasier.
LARTB10.ZIP 463,341 05-27-96 LogoArt v1.0b. Graphics editing programwith the capability of combining vectorshapes with bitmaps, color dithering,printing and more.
MAPLAY92.ZIP 34,465 06-08-96 MayPlay v0.92. Mpeg player.
MCHK40.ZIP 119,486 04-24-96 MailChk/2 v4.0. Operates under aNetware/OS/2/ Pegasus Mail environment thatallows the user to specify the root maildirectory and will automatically scan fornew Pegasus Mail messages, displayingnumber of messages and p
MEMSZ313.ZIP 503,505 04-08-96 System Resources v3.13. Simple utility formonitoring system activity and resources.Source included. English, French, Spanish,German, Catalan, Danish, Chinese (BIG5),Norwegian, Italian, Japanese and Hungarianlanguage f
MONITR15.ZIP 25,784 04-13-96 Monitor v1.5. Provides modem lights forthose of us who have internal modems.
MONY_121.ZIP 79,892 05-28-96 MONY.SYS v1.21. MDA device driver allowingsimultaneous use of VGA and TTL monomonitors.
MR2I103.ZIP 746,148 06-07-96 MR/2 ICE v1.0. Internet Email Client. PMreader for internet email. POP3 and SMTPsupport, 32 bit multi-threaded, toolbars,multi-window, thesaurus, speller.
MST_PM11.ZIP 168,496 06-13-96 32 Bit PM Automated Episode Guide v1.1 forMystery Science Theater 3000. Makes it easyto view information on the popularsyndicated TV show MST3K.
NETF135.ZIP 146,062 06-05-96 NetFolder v1.35. Group of nested folderspopulated with Uniform Resource Locator(URL) objects that link to lots ofinformation about Operating OS/2 on the WWW.
NFNF11.ZIP 556,128 06-07-96 NFNF v1.1 for Warp. Adds extrafunctionality to the Workplace Shell andmakes many things easier to do.Functionality includes: Popup items forzipping and unzipping files and folders,with many useful options.
NFTP072.ZIP 301,469 06-06-96 NFTP v0.72. New FTP client w/fast textmodeoperation, small memory requirements,bookmarking, fully scrollable remotedirectory view, tagging, caching remotedirs, one-key viewing remote files, sortingby date/name/size, m
OS2C_110.ZIP 402,775 04-05-96 OS/2-Commander v1.10. The Final NortonCommander Clone! It offers an integratedarchive handling, HPFS support,User-definable menu, tree function, themost powerful find function you've everseen, more.
OSCI250E.ZIP 743,924 06-13-96 VirusScan for OS/2 by McAfee, Inc. Scansand cleans PC's/LAN's for known and newviruses. Self-Installing Version.
OSC_250E.ZIP 500,822 06-11-96 VirusScan for OS/2 by McAfee, Inc.
PCII0696.ZIP 89,882 06-08-96 Patrick Duffy's information files on PCIhardware and OS/2. June 1996 update.Motherboards, chips, network cards, FAQ,IDE, SCSI and Video. Very informative forprospective buyers.
PCIOS2.ZIP 88,779 06-06-96 Reference documents for PCI cards underOS/2, including PCI FAQ; productspecifications; manufacturer supportnumbers.
PGPEASY.ZIP 499,498 06-05-96 PGP Easy Rider v1.1. Front-End for PrettyGood Privacy mail encryption software.
PMAUD11.ZIP 11,316 04-24-96 PMaud v1.1. Takes a command line of anaudio file (or several files), and playsthem all.
PMCSTEX.ZIP 237,000 06-08-96 CSTeX for EPM v8.6.1996. "CS TeX" menu itemis added to the EPM menu in order toprovide many actions for em (La)TeXing fromw/in the EPM. New toolbar is provided aswell. Hotkeys for some (La)TeX commands,including LaTeX
PMDE24.ZIP 45,874 04-24-96 PM Directory Enforcer v2.4. Multithreadedapplication displays results of acomparison between two directories. Can beused to perform various functions on thefiles within those directories. FreeWare.
PMICS2B3.ZIP 828,209 05-22-96 PMics v2.0b3. Play chess online thru thevarious Internet chess servers.
PMMAIL15.ZIP 474,805 04-15-96 PM Mail v1.5. Represents a significant stepforward in the use of internet e-mailthrough many new features, some unavailablein any other E-Mail program.
PMP41C.ZIP 739,173 04-30-96 PM Patrol v4.1c. Resource Managementsoftware and toolset.
PMSB27.ZIP 142,190 05-19-96 PM Scrapbook v2.7. Personal InformationManager/Database with address books, to-dolists, user definable "tables", note padsand Workplace Shell references organized ina graphical tree format.
PMS_103.ZIP 382,511 04-25-96 PM Stripper v1.03. Fully functional utilitywhich strips HTML codes from Web pagesleaving some formatting intact. You mayperform basic editing of the resultingtext, and save the file using highlightedtext as the file n
POPSRV1B.ZIP 67,018 04-23-96 Pop3 Server v1.01b. Needs TCP/IP stack.Support: APOP MD5 login, posting via POPand INETD operation. This package includesMAIL.EXE (local delivery agent) used bysendmail and INT2FID.EXE gate for internetmail to fidonet
PRINTURL.ZIP 31,893 06-04-96 PrintURL - Load/print a specified URL onthe default system printer thru a singlecommand. The loading, formatting & printingof the URL is all handled by theWebExplorer DLLs (not included).
PROS0596.ZIP 248,907 04-23-96 PROS/2 Newsletter for May 1996 in variousfile formats: ASCII text, PostScript, andINF suitable for use with the standard OS/2"View" utility.
PROS0696.ZIP 242,196 05-21-96 PROS/2 Newsletter for June 1996.
PSSWRD11.ZIP 6,153 04-16-96 Password Package v1.1. Designed forsingle-system, multi-user environments,this package establishes an "open" DeskTopgiving password protected access tomultiple WorkAreas or "pseudo DeskTops".
RAFAX11.ZIP 136,804 06-12-96 Radiofax v1.1. Pickup weather maps fromshort wave radio. Requires a sound card,MMPM/2 installed, and a SW radio with SSBor BFO facilities. Receives black & whiteor greyscale faxes.
REPTEL04.ZIP 768,230 05-12-96 Reptel v0.4. Small phonebook.
REXXIT11.ZIP 769,288 04-14-96 Rexxit v1.1. Special editor for Rexxprogrammers with additional functions foreasy, fast, and error-free Rexx programming.
RGISERV.ZIP 103,780 05-16-96 Function Library for Rexx CGI Applications.
RXTT21.ZIP 401,420 06-22-96 REXX tips 'n' tricks.
SENDIP.ZIP 56,696 06-08-96 SendIP v1.00. Designed for users ofInternet telephone apps whose purpose is toquery your I.P. Address (AFTER you havedialed in and connected) and automaticallysave it to a file and send it to anotherperson by email.
SERVCENT.ZIP 403,756 04-08-96 Service Center v2.1. Front end for all yoursystem utilities (backup tools, virusscanners etc). Keep them under a singleroof, which also keeps track of when youlast performed those chores. Has severaltools of its own a
SFTP126.ZIP 231,674 05-27-96 Simple FTP v1.26. PM program that allowsbatch downloads from ftp sites. Featuresstorage of host logon information, easyviewing of .txt files, auto sorting by dateof directory listing. Easy directorynavigation. Freewar
SIDIS100.ZIP 290,473 06-01-96 Small Internet Dial-In Server Package v1.0.Allows up to four inbound modem connectionsto access LAN or Internet.
SIO155.ZIP 206,288 06-27-96 Ray Gwinn's comm drivers for OS/2 v1.55.SIO.SYS and VSIO.SYS are replacements ofthe OS2 communications drivers COM.SYS andVCOM.SYS. VX00.SYS provides Fossil andvirtual 16550 support for DOS programs.
SMLED121.ZIP 280,954 04-09-96 Smalled v1.21. High powered 32 bit multithreaded PM system editor with a lot ofextras. Features Full DRAG-N-DROP interface(for: open, save, print, copy, move, shredand PP), ATM fonts, WYSIWYG printing,extended EA usag
SOUPER15.ZIP 172,141 05-19-96 Souper v1.5. Transfers mail and news from aPOP3 mail server & NNTP news serverrespectively to SOUP packets; it can alsosend messages in SOUP reply packets.
TE2PRO20.ZIP1,141,571 05-31-96 TE/Pro v2.0. Oberon's new telecommunicationpackage.
TICKER_1.ZIP1,015,616 04-10-96 News Ticker v1b. Gets news from theInternet.
TMFAQ24.ZIP 15,755 05-23-96 Team OS/2 frequently Asked Questions v2.4.
TOPBETA3.ZIP 51,130 05-30-96 Top v0.03. Similar to the Unix tool TOP. Itdisplays a list of processes and the amountof CPU they are using.
UNH202.ZIP 30,128 04-25-96 UNH v2.02. Strips HTML codes from Web pagesleaving some formatting intact. It willoptionally put the URLs found in a 2ndoutput file.
VGB206B1.ZIP 71,313 05-15-96 Virtual Gameboy v0.061b1. Allows runningGameboy games under OS/2.
WARP_SND.ZIP 681,478 05-05-96 New warp event sounds?
WEBWAV.ZIP 311,645 04-11-96 WAVPlayer for WebEx. WAV, MIDI player forWebExplorer. Allows you to play, save andplay or just save any MMPM/2 audio file.
WEBXORG.ZIP 65,400 05-17-96 WebExplorer Organizer v1.0b. Have you everwanted a way to organize that growing listof Quicklist entries for WebExplorer? If sothen WebXOrg is for you.
WHO00042.ZIP 24,401 04-15-96 Who v0.004b2. Native Warp textmode addressmanager, many useful functions (likebirthday reminder, search function anddifferent types of printing). Freeware.
XFL_PM12.ZIP 111,579 06-14-96 32 bit OS/2 PM Automated Episode Guide v1.2 for the popular Fox TV series, theX-Files.
XIT22.ZIP 300,537 04-03-96 Xit v2.2. PM 1 button zapper. Add userdefined titlebar buttons left or rightside. Over 30 predefined actions.
ZIPME13.ZIP 162,674 06-14-96 ZipMv1.3. Zip shell for Info's zip andunzip, 32 bit and multithreaded, supportsdrag & drop.